Dear RNA Salon Poznan,
Within the RNA Salon Poznan we open a contest for:
1) The best bachelor thesis of 2022-2023 defended till 30th of October 2022 or 2023
2) The best master thesis of 2022-2023 defended till 30th of October 2022 or 2023
3) The best publication of 2022 and 2023, of which the applying student is the first or second author (or otherwise major contributor)
4) The best publication of 2022 and 2023, of which the applying PhD student is the first or second author (or otherwise major contributor)
The criteria for the awards are: RNA-related topic (theses & papers), and a significant role of the student in the preparation of the paper (papers), an affiliation of the student/ PhD candidate to a Poznan university or institute (including nearby sites – powiat poznański).
Each award is an equivalent of 100$.
Applications: please send the applications via e-mail entitled “Konkurs RNA Salon Poznan” to till 20th of November 2023. Please attach pdf files of 1) the thesis/publication; 2) short description of the work including its significance in RNA research; for publications also the short description of the applicant’s contribution to the publication (max 1 page); 3) a signed agreement ‘Hereby I grant the right to post my name and surname and the tile of the thesis/ paper when announcing the results of the RNA Salon Poznan contest on the AMU and IBCH PAS webpages and on social media accounts of the contest organizers). The results will be announced till 20th of December 2023. The laureates will be officially honoured during one of the upcoming RNA Salon Poznan events.
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